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The several internships done in High School that gave me a flavor of the world, industries and community service



Allegheny College’s research program for Summer 2023

A research internship with the Allegheny College in the Summer of 2023


Mental Health - The Sunder Foundation

Ongoing internship with the Sunder Foundation (a US-based non-profit organization with the mission of discovery and innovation in the science, art and culture of mental wellness) with internship focus on creating and executing programs on Mental Health awareness and social media for the company



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Research & Analysis - CVOTER

Research and analysis project with CVOTER (Centre for Voting Opinion & Trends in Election, Research, or CVoter, is an Indian international polling agency headquartered in Delhi, India) titled “Impact of Covid-19 on mental health in India as it correlates to different demographics” (June - July 2022)


HealthTech - 4DxFitness

A student intern with 4DxFitness (an Indian subsidiary of Moterum Technologies - a medical / healthcare technology & neuroscience company). My role was testing the moterum app for chronic conditions like Stroke, Parkinsons and Chronic pain; and the company’s proprietary gait sensors (June, December 2020)

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